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How to Increase Productivity at Work
By: Khalid Sarwari
November 20, 2023

While productivity is crucial in all area of life where results are expected or objectives are to be met, it is most often seen essential in the workplace. 

More flexible work arrangements have replaced the typical 9–5 workday as the modern workplace has evolved and migrated to mixes of in-person, remote, and hybrid work environments in recent years. While some of these changes have made it possible for individuals to work more productively, for others, these new dynamics provide difficulties to productivity for both employers and employees, who must find new ways to monitor efficiency and inspire their staff. 

Regardless of your profession, there is a possibility that you may notice a gradual increase in productivity by making a few minor changes to your workday schedule. Keep an eye on what works and what doesn't for you in order to develop a long-term strategy to increase your output. Here is a list of suggestions for you to use for improving productivity: 

Set small goals: we sometimes overestimate how long major tasks or projects will take to do because they seem frightening. But by dividing work into small, achievable milestones that you can build upon until the project is finished, you can generate forwards momentum. For instance, addressing four emails at a time throughout the day can help you clear your inbox. 

Put an end to multitasking: Juggling many weekday duties at once is always an alluring temptation while trying to multitask. This rarely yields the best results, even though it might feel productive. It will be easier for you to move on to the next activity with ease if you concentrate on only one task at a time and finish it faster and at a higher standard. 

Take a break: taking regular breaks can actually help reduce stress and enhance productivity, even if it may seem counterintuitive to recommend them when discussing how to be effective at work. 

Employee breaks are mandated in many workplaces. You should think about planning regular 10- to 15-minute breaks if you work from home or in an unmonitored office. Step away from your work during this period to give your mind a break, and return with fresh ideas and renewed energy.  

Minimise distractions: it's quite common to get distracted, and maintaining focus isn't always easy. But it is a skill that can be developed over time. Use a productivity app like Freedom, turn off your notifications, or put your phone in airplane mode to avoid any distraction. 

The five-mins rule: If you struggle with procrastination, consider implementing the five-minute rule. Many of the reasons that prevent you from starting, disappear when you make a self-promise to yourself that you will complete a task in only five minutes. Five minutes is all it takes for almost anyone to write an email, do some research, finish some filing, or lay out a new job.

Normally, once the five-minutes is over, the motivation remins the same. These little tasks that you do in 5-minutes add significantly to your overall production, even if you move on to some other productive tasks. We tend to put off these little chores the most, as always. 

Determine your most productive times: the usual 9–5 job is decreasing in popularity as remote work and COVID-19 become more prevalent. The idea of working more productively has been supported by flexible and hybrid work arrangements. Everybody has their unique identity, some individuals are most productive in the morning, while others reach their peak around lunch. One great strategy to boost productivity is to figure out when you are most productive and then arrange your daily schedule to take advantage of these peak periods. 

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Khalid Sarwari
Khalid Sarwari brings a much sought-after highly ethical and determined approach to his clients real estate needs. His diverse...
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